Build the Ultimate Gaming PC: Monster Gaming Machine (ExtremeTech) [Taschenbuch]

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Build the Ultimate Gaming PC: Monster Gaming Machine (ExtremeTech) [Taschenbuch] - Make one fantasy come true
Leave those mythical monsters alone for a minute and think about this. What if you had a really kickass PC that would let you totally experience the game? What if it included every feature you've dreamed of-a motherboard designed exclusively for gaming, top-notch video and sound cards, the fastest processor? What if another gamer could teach you to build it yourself, without spending a Jedi's ransom? What if you buy this book, turn to page 1, and get started!
Expert instructions for
* Planning your PC
* Setting your budget
* Deciding where to shop for parts
* Choosing a processor, memory, motherboard, sound and video cards, and the rest
* Selecting speakers, a monitor, and a case
* Assembling the PC
* Installing the OS and software
* Hooking up to a game network

Hard-core gamers demand a lot from a PC as games become more complex, speed and memory needs grow, and many gamers want to build a machine that maximizes the features they want most. This book is packed with troubleshooting tips, notes, and cautions. It covers establishing a budget and determining where it's safe to cut costs, how to choose a motherboard, processor, and memory, how each of these factors affects game performance, where to find the best prices on parts, and how to optimize Windows for maximum gaming. It clears up the confusion many gamers have about video cards and which are best for games.

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